Laker Launch: Mark W. Barker Hits the Water
The 639-foot self-unloader has been moved out of drydock, with finish work taking place over the winter. She will begin trading in the spring.
The ceremonial launch in Sturgeon Bay, Wisc., recognized Interlake as building the first U.S.-flagged laker in nearly 40 years. Speakers include Mark Barker, and his father, James Barker, company chairman. Honorary launch sponsor was Helen Sharp, wife of Ian Sharp, Interlakes director of engineering for fleet projects.
Sharp began design work on the new laker in 2017. He continues as project manager, representing the company at the shipyard and through ongoing technical discussions.
U.S. Shipping Companies Invest in Great Lakes
Critical maintenance is well underway on the U.S.-flagged fleet of lakers tied up at ports across the Great Lakes region in anticipation of the upcoming navigation season. Hundreds of skilled... Read More
LNG Dual Fuel Bitumen Tanker Joins McAsphalt
McAsphalt Marine Transportation Ltd. has welcomed the McAsphalt Advantage to its fleet. Powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG), the vessel has an overall length of 459.3 feet, a beam of... Read More